ECC Accomplishments
ECC Accomplishments: 2003 to 2024. Updated 2/14/2025
Auburn’s Endurance Capital Committee Meetings (10 members) were held each month except December on every third Wednesday with a quorum of members present at each. At each meeting, the minutes and budget status were approved, events where the ECC tent was present were determined, and subsequent reviews of the ECC’s event presence were discussed. Shannon Weil gave monthly updates on ultra running events and he Western States Trail Museum; Lori Stewart on equestrian activities & Western State Trail restoration efforts; Phil Sayre on water sports; Bob Peterson on cycling sports.
- January 26 – Donner Party Rescue Presentation & Client Auction:; Bob & Joyce Miller attended and brought an ECC swag basket for the auction.
- Formidable events happened on a stormy weekend so ECC did not attend but attended AR50 in early May.
- May is Bike Month Expo at ARD held by Auburn Trails Alliance on May 2 attended by Shannon, Cynci & Phil.
- ECC logo art for the Bike Park water fountain plaques was produced and applied by Adam Whitely of Whitely Signs.
- Darci Pierce updated the ECC about the Blue Zone as it relates to Auburn.
- The ECC was a very popular exhibitor at the Cayons Endurance Runs Expo in April.
- Gloria Takagishi (volunteer coordinator) and Bob Miller resigned from the ECC.
- Anne Thilges produced two articles: one on Anthony Chavez, a local runner entered in the Mont Blanc 100-Miler (his 3rd!) and one on local youth runner and student athlete, 16 year-old Miakota (Mia) Toy. Both were promoted on the AECW Facebook page and website.
- The City of Auburn’s Committees’ budgets were drastically cut for FY 2024-2025, so the ECC’’s ability to purchase giveaways for our event attendance efforts was limited, causing us to re-work our schedules and goals.
- ECC voted to expand to a total of 10 members and a public notice seeking applicants produced six. These were all interviewed and four were selected: Bob Peterson, Darci Pierce, Ann Thilges, and Erika Thompson.
- Olmstead Endurance Tile Update: SHAAC reported to Cynci that they will be submitting all 8 tiles including the Olmstead tile, to City Council at their next meeting. The Olmstead tile was subsequently approved, but the ECC budget lacked the funds to purchase the tile.
- The ECC faced a similar situation with the Water Bottle filling station, which Phil had researched and provided a location just off of Central Square and model that would work.
- The lack of funds caused the ECC to be interested in an ongoing effort to find ways to raise funds for our projects.
- Shannon and Lori hosted the ECC tent at the WSER starting area in Palisades Valley Wednesday – Friday; then we all pitched in at the High School Finish line.
- Cynci & Phil to hosted the ECC tent at the Great American Triathlon in Sacramento on Sat., July 20.
- The ECC tent at the Tevis awards Ceremony Expo, Gold Country Fairgrounds, was hosted by Shannon, Bob Peterson, Darci and her husband.
- ECC Tent at Great Auburn Obstacle race (Sept.) with Shannon, Lori, Erika
- National Ride & Tie (Oct.)- Shannon & Lori to attend; will bring informational giveaways, have a table not the tent.
- Kelly Davis (City Council candidate and Auburn trails Alliance member) attended and informed us about her recent projects as they connect to the ECC (local business bike racks, a bike valet program, Auburn night ride program).
- A limited amount of funding was approved for giveaways that included beanies, mop top pens, small tote bags, and drawstring bags.
- Logo usage guidelines moved to a January, 2025 meeting,
- Discussions began on ways the City would allow fund raising, donations, grants.
- To be voted on: using remaining ECC funds to purchase the Olmstead Tile.
- Decision made to attend these events in 2025: Canyons, WSER, Tevis, and Festival of Lights. Other events can be considered on a case by case basis.
- Festival of Lights ECC float better than ever, thanks to Shannon & Lori’s ongoing efforts; runners, cyclists, water sports, equestrians all represented.
Auburn’s Endurance Capital Committee Meetings (8 members) were held each month except December on every third Monday with a quorum of members present at each. At each meeting, the minutes and budget status were approved, events where the ECC tent was present were determined, and subsequent reviews of the ECC’s event presence were discussed. Shannon Weil gave monthly updates on the progress of the Western States Trail Museum; Lori Stewart on Western State Trail restoration efforts.
- Resolution Run presence on Jan. 1
- Set up a local business gift card on the “Wheel of Fortune”. These were purchased with ECC budget funds to both raise awareness of the Endurance Capital theme and support local businesses.
- ECC Member Shannon Weil began attending Chamber of Commerce and Placer Co. Realtors Assoc. meetings
- Initiated ordering and having installed an Endurance Capital logo and “Donated by” text on the Auburn Bike Park water fountain.
- Initiated plans for the Scott Lindgren Tile installation celebration on March 14.
- Began work on a revised Dan Olmstead Commemorative Tlle submission due to SHAAC’s revised submission form.
- Began work on having a “Welcome to Auburn” with logo sign installed on the billboard at Placer High School’s track.
- Approved to provide an AECW logo item gift basket to the Jan. 27 Donner Pass Expedition event silent auction benefitting PARC-Auburn.
- Plan proposed to begin work on updating the Brick Pillar signage.
- Event presence at Formidable Endurance Runs planned for Feb. 18.
- Ongoing planning for:
- Scott Lindgren Tile celebration
- Placer HS track Welcome to Auburn sign
- Dan Olmstead Tile submission.
- Auburn Bike Park water fountain plaque
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- Shannon Weil created a flyer to hand out at events to encourage volunteer sign ups.
- Plan defined and presented for work on updating the Brick Pillar signage.
- Shannon will investigate the ECC having a float in the annual Festival of Lights Parade in early December.
- Due to rain, Scott Lindgren Tile celebration held at the Visitors’ Center then moved to the Aid Station. It was well attended and heartwarming.
- Decision made to have the ECC tent at the April AR50 Endurance Run at the Overlook.
- Planning began for the ECC tent at the 3-day April Canyons Ultra Run Event; Such a huge event will require well stocked AECW logo items for “Spin the Wheel” giveaways.
- Ongoing planning for:
- Placer HS track Welcome to Auburn sign
- Dan Olmstead Tile submission.
- Auburn Bike Park water fountain plaque
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- Canyons Endurance Runs: ECC set up on Thursday, 27 through tear down early Sunday
- April 30th. The ECC tent functioned as a Reception and Welcome Center for the runners, friends and families to the City of Auburn. There was an enthusiastic and constant flow of people from 36 countries and 46 states and the AECW logo items were depleted!
- Movement to restock AECW logo items for coming events began.
- AECW logo Plaque installed on the ECC’s Auburn Bike Park’s fountain.
- ECC was represented by Bob and Shannon at the History Expeditions/Grosh Brothers Expedition presentation on April 23rd at the General Gomez Center.
- Ongoing planning and execution for:
- Placer HS track Welcome to Auburn sign
- Dan Olmstead Tile submission.
- Outreach for new volunteers
- Local business giift card for the ECC’s tent Wheel of Fortune.
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- Placer HS track Welcome to Auburn sign purchased and due to be up by the June WSER.
- Shannon designed and the ECC purchased an 8’x8’ a WSER-specific “Welcome to Auburn” extension backdrop banner to be used at the various June WSER events. Can be used year after year. She will create a similar one for Tevis so both of Auburn’s signature events will be represented.
- ECC checked to be sure City Hall will place the life-sized WSER Runner banner in front of City Hall for the month of June.
- Ongoing planning and execution for:
- Dan Olmstead Tile submission.
- Outreach for new volunteers
- Local business giift card program for the ECC’s tent Wheel of Fortune.
- Festival of Lights Parade ECC float
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- The “Welcome to Auburn. Endurance Capital of the World™ Sign has been INSTALLED at Placer HS Track.
- ECC was represented at the WSER’s June 22 Foreign Runner Dinner.
- ECC Tent at WSER was busy nonstop at usual.
- Next Water fountain/bottle filing station location discussions began..
- Mayor Alice Calvillo-Dowdin has been approved to represent the City of Auburn during her trip to Chamonix (home of Mt. Blanc du Ultra Trail events, of which Canyons and WSER are members). She is paying her own way but she has permission to initiate discussions of the possibility of becoming a “Friend City” of Chamonix.
- Ongoing planning and execution for:
- Dan Olmstead Tile submission.
- Outreach for new volunteers
- Local business giift card program for the ECC’s tent Wheel of Fortune.
- Festival of Lights Parade ECC float
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- 2023-2024 phase of Budget begins; Brick Pillar improvements may fall under Public Works expense.
- ECC tent at the Great American Triathlon in Sacramento (ECC tent’s only out of town location) a success, and of note is the awareness of “flat landers” not being aware of the tagline.
- ECC approved Auburnite Martin Sego’s use of the AECW logo on shirts for his team at the Badwater 134-Miler.
- ECC Tent at Tevis is moved to Sunday and the Haggin CupAwards ceremonies. Much better crowd.
- Facebook followers achieved 2000!
- New AECW logo items ordered: key chains, luggage tags, bumper stickers, window decals.
- Ongoing planning and execution for:
- Dan Olmstead Tile approved by SHAAC; needs more work on Tile verbiage.
- Ongoing planning and execution for:
- Outreach for new volunteers
- Local business giift card program for the ECC’s tent Wheel of Fortune.
- Festival of Lights Parade ECC float
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- Water Fountain/Bottle Filler update: recommended location is in Central Square’s Artist Park ongoing research (public works, Arts Commission).
- Mayor Alice Dowdin Calvillo supplied with AECW logo giveaways for her Chamonix trip.
- Dan Olmstead Tile verbiage presented to ECC who approved it for submission to SHAAC.
- Ongoing planning and execution for:
- Outreach for new volunteers
- Local business giift card program for the ECC’s tent Wheel of Fortune.
- Festival of Lights Parade ECC float
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- Hosted Darci Pierce who brought the idea of a Blue Zone Community to the ECC’s attention. “Certified Blue Zones Communities have populations with greater well-being, improved health outcomes, reduced costs, and increased civic pride, all of which support healthy economic development.” Discussions ongoing.
- Tevis Cup ECC presence recap.
- Review of Alice’s Chamonix trip
- ECC Members participated in the City’s new Branding Survey.
- Olmstead Tile verbiage approved by SHAAC. It is anticipated to be installed in Spring 2024.
- Obstacle Race ECC tent presence – a success; especially popular with youth.
- Ongoing planning and execution for:
- Outreach for new volunteers
- Local business giift card program for the ECC’s tent Wheel of Fortune.
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- Alice’s Chamonix trip update: good chance that the Friendship City alliance may happen.
- Festival of Lights Parade ECC float: December 2; $60 fee paid and key details (staging, flatbed truck, volunteers, ideas) are in progress.
- Ongoing planning and execution for:
- Outreach for new volunteers
- Local business giift card program for the ECC’s tent Wheel of Fortune.
- Updating the Brick Pillar signage
- November
- Created a 8’x8’ Welcome to Auburn backdrop to display at events.
- Robert Miller resigned as ECC committee chairman, Shannon Weil was voted in as interim chair.
- Dan Olmstead Tile art and verbiage submitted to SHAAC.
- Investigated locations for placements of the third water bottle filler/fountain. Agreed that the Art Park may be the best location managed by Phil Sayer.
- Guest Darci Pierce brought the idea of a Blue Zone Community to the attention of the ECC Committee for discussion.
- Continued local businesses Gift Card Program given away at endurance events.
- Shannon Weil continues to be ECC’s liaison for the progress of Western States Trail Museum.
- Ongoing effort to get Dan Olmstead’s tile submission completed, awaiting SHAAC approval for tile celebration.
- Presented appreciation plaque to Robert Miller for his many years of volunteer service to the ECC.
- Festival of Lights Parade ECC’s Inaugural Float was a huge success!
(January) ECC agreed to support and will be a big presence at the April 23, 2022 Canyon Endurance Run 100K which UTMB (Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc based in Chamonix, France), purchased and made it one of its global World Series events. ECC was a successful presence at the Jan. 1 Resolution Run. Phil Sayre attended the ASRA Brown’s Ravine Trail meeting and reported this trail will become multi-use and include access for mtn. bikes.Other events for ECC presence include Formidable (Feb.), WSER (June), Tevis (July), Rio del Lago (Nov.). Dan Olmstead tile SHAAC submission still a work in progress. ARD requested we use their standard water fountain for the Auburn Bike Park, not a water bottle filling station like we previously purchased for the Tevis Finish area. Cynci will report back at the Feb.meeting. Gloria will notify volunteer list about the schedule for the Fourmidable events in February. Facebook statistics show increases from 2,014 visitors in 2020 to 15,000 visitors in 2021 thanks to Shannon’s Weil’s work with the page.
(February) Shannon Weil to be the ECC’s Canyons Endurance Run liaison. Consider adding Mammoth Bar Enduro Mtn. Bike Race (June 4), Great American Triathlon (July 16), Mountain Mandarin Festival (Nov.) to ECC event presence schedule. Water Fountain decision still being investigated. Difficulties with SHAAC and Scott Lindgren tile installation continue.
(March) The ECC by an action item vote, selected ARD’s preferred water fountain over the prior bottle filling station selected by the ECC for the Tevis finish area. Although a simpler unit than the prior one, it does have a spigot for filling water bottles. Eric Peach presented to the ECC PARC-Auburn’s information and opened channels to work with us. This would include listing of PARC events on the ECC website calendar, and coordination on new trail development.
(April) ECC met with the City’s Director of Administrative Services Nathan Bagwill about the pending 2-year budget. Following this discussion the proposed ECC 2-year budget was passed unanimously. SHAAC/EEC 2-on-2 meeting was held to help to improve communication between the 2 committees. Cynci is the point of contact for the ECC and Chris Packard is the point of contact for SHAAC. ECC’s presence at the April 23 Canyon’s/UTMB events well-worthwhile.
(May) Bike Park Fountain is ordered and due to arrive around June 1. Phil attended the Auburn Criterium May 17 and reported it to be a successful event for ECC to chose for a presence in 2023. Plans for WSER, Tevis, Great American Triathlon are firming up. Mandarin Festival won’t work due to a requirement that our tent be manned for 3 full days. ECC is considering shorter events based at the Overlook to attend.
(June) ECC member Lori Stewart Tevis Educational Ride director, reports the it was well attended; good event to provide some ECC giveaways. Scott Lindgren tile could be installed June 30. But a tile celebration probably won’t occur until 2023 due to Scott’s travel schedule. Olmstead Tile was previewed by SHAAC and it was suggested that Dan’s contributions to the City of Auburn be better emphasized. Cynci will do this. ECC presence at WSER finish a success. ECC presence at Great American Triathlon (in Sacramento, a first out-of-the-area event) was worth doing since so many participants were not aware of Auburn’s tagline.
(July) ECC attended the Tevis pre-event dinner and the ECC’s presence at Tevis event was successful. Bike Park water fountain was delivered and installed. Lindgren tile still not installed and ECC needs to look into this.
(August) Specialized Water bottles with ECC logo ordered to restock the supply for coming event presence. Silicone jar openers with full color art undeyinvestigation for a new type of giveaway. Phil agreed to represent the ECC at the Auburn City Beautification meetings for Old Town). Decision to be made concerning AECW logo on the Auburn Bike Park water fountain – just the text+logo or wrap around art. Cynci to investigate feasibility/artists. Lindgren Tile still not installed.
(September) ECC giveaway restocked with water bottles and hats received. Agreed to purchase 6×6 full color silicone jar openers and Shannon to provide art. Explored ideas for a third water fountain. Reviewed options presented by Shannon and Lori to assist with trail rebuilding efforts following the Mosquito Fire. Posted this information on AECW Facebook Page. ARD, Bike Park reps and ECC approved using wrap art on water fountain; Cynci contacted artists for bids.
(October) Preliminary jar opener art submitted by Shannon and more full color coozies ordered. ECC approved a go-ahead for Shannon to purchase vouchers from local businesses to place on the “Wheel of Fortune” as a giveaway. ECC event presence at the ARD Obstacle Course event was successful. Phil reported that the Auburn City Beautification plans (Old Town) were in keeping with ECC values (bike stands, benches, greenery). Scott Lindgren tile installed Oct. 9. Reports ongoing: Mosquito Fire trail damage and repair efforts, Western States Trail Museum progress, Lindgren Tile celebration planning. Bids from artist for the Bike Park water fountain art not forthcoming, so the logo + text a better option.
(November) Silicone jar openers final art approved by ECC and order for 250 placed; Overlook Runs cancelled; rain interfered with ECC presence at Rio Del Lago. Cynci to contact sign company sbout installing AECW logo and text on Bike Park fountain.
(December) AECW logo silicone jar openers order arrived and applauded by all. AECW Calendar updated with 2023 events.
(January) ECC Elections: Committee officers slate approved unanimously as follows: President Robert Miller, Treasurer Larry Grilli, Secretary Phil Sayre. Shannon Weil’s ECC application unanimously accepted as a new Committee member and resume will be sent to City Council for final appointment. Ann Trason’s tile submission approved; Shannon will take the lead in submitting forms to SHAAC. Events continue to be on hold due to Covid. Search for a new ECC storage unit begun. Ongoing effort to get Scott Lindgren’s tile submission approved by SHAAC continues. Shannon reported on progress of Western States Trail Museum; she will be the ECC’s liaison. Delivered 300 ECC ASRA Trail Maps to the New Springhilll Suites hotel.
(February) Storage room available on 2nd Floor of City Hall. Cynci Calvin reported on 11 options for locations for the pilot water bottle filler/fountain and the soon to be renovated Tevis finish area next to Overlook Park was selected. Welcome to Auburn sign proposal submitted by Chair Robert Miller and ECC agreed it is worth pursuing. Events still on hold but City Manager joined and gave a report of the activities of the California Endurance Coalition, a political action Committee pursuing ways to hold events.
(March) Shannon Weil recognized as City Council-approved member of the ECC. Robert Miller’s work on Welcome to Auburn City Hall sign continues; Shannon to create art. Covid restrictions on events lessening, so work on building up supplies of logo giveaways begins. WSER final mile footprints authorized for repainting.
(April) Work on ECC FY2021-22 Budget begins; initial expenditures approved but a more detailed report will be made for the May City Council meeting. More details (materials, 3×3 foot size, exact location) on Welcome to Auburn City Hall sign submitted; need input and approval by Public Works. Scott Lindgren Tile art and verbiage submitted to SHAAC. SHAAC procedures under close scrutiny by ECC – lack of defined tile guidelines, cancelled meetings, volunteers too busy to perform tasks, issues with tile engraver Ruhkala’s backlogs – all of which contribute to inordinately long delays. Worked with citizen Paul Kessler on the need for rules governing course markings for events within the City limits; Paul submitted helpful guidelines to be considered.
(May) Welcome to Auburn City Hall sign design by Shannon Weil presented and approved; updates on items in April meeting presented. WSER will happen but no Expo at WSER finish; ECC will supply items for goody bags. Agreed to be a presence at the July Enduro Mtn. Bike race at Mammoth Bar. Scott Lindgren Tile art & verbiage approved by City Council. Shannon withdrew Ann Treason as a tile candidate but instead suggested the “white bridge” be named after her due to her WSER legacy. John Donlevy will investigate. Water bottle-filling/fountain station choice delayed due to issues finding a CA ADA complaint unit.
(June) ECC tent allowed at the WSER where logo swag was distributed; a life-size WSER runners banner was placed in front of City Hall. MDL water bottle-filling/fountain station purchased, shipped, and is in storage at Tevis building. Speaker from “Slow and Say Hello” trail safety user group out of Marin Co. heard at June meeting and promoted on aecw website, Facebook page and passed along to the Auburn Trail Alliance.
(July) Attended and distributed swag at Tevis finish, VIP dinner, Community dinner, and Mammoth Bar Enduro Mtn. Bike Races. A large Tevis banner was placed in front of City Hall. Updated logo swag with multi-functional gaiters, No Hands Bridge can holders, cowbells, updated rack cards explaining ECC on one side and event/organization website on reverse. Plans for Scott Lindgren Tile installation celebration thwarted by failure for SHAAC to get the tile installed. Search for 2nd water bottle-filling/fountain station location begins. Welcome to Auburn City Hall sign details continued.
(August) Waiting on the City’s specifications for the Welcome to Auburn City Hall sign. Discussion concerning ECC’s financial support requested by ARD’s Obstacle Race resulted in an offer for logo swag but no funding. Ongoing discussions about location of 2nd water bottle-filling/fountain station location; with a need to see if Auburn Bike Park’s location is under the City’s jurisdiction. Good attendance of ECC at the State Theater to view the River Runner film about Scott Lindgren. His Tile installation is still stalled out. Tile request suggested for Dan Olmstead and discussion will occur at September meeting.
(September) ECC approved Dan Olmstead Tile nomination. Cynci to submit form to SHAAC. Welcome to Auburn sign ongoing efforts. ECC presence at ARD’s Obstacle Race successful. Opened talks with ARD and Auburn Bike Park Committee about location at Bike Park for a water fountain. Ongoing discussions about Ann Trason white bridge dedication, Robert Miller’s “Welcome to Auburn” sign in front of City Hall, frustrations with getting Scott Lindgren’s Tile installed. ECC to attend Auburn Bike Park Grand Opening Nov. 6.
(October) Meeting time changed to 6:00pm on 3rd Wednesday. Cynci suggested considering an out-of-town event with a large contingency and a big Expo to expand the AECW reach. Resolution Run coming on Jan. 1 – agreed we should attend. Robert’s Grand Prize “car” (Hot Wheels) on the Wheel of Fortune a big hit. Dan Olmstead info for Tile submission completed and ready to be submitted to SHAAC. Ongoing discussions about Ann Trason white bridge dedication, Robert Miller’s “Welcome to Auburn” sign in front of City Hall, frustrations with getting Scott Lindgren’s Tile installed.
(November) Successful ECC presence at Auburn Bike Park; also found a good location there for the water fountain. Auburn Bike Park and ARD in agreement that ECC can order the fountain, as long as it fits ARD’ss requirements. Revised edition of AECW informational rack cards ordered and arrived. Ongoing discussions about Ann Trason white bridge dedication, Robert Miller’s “Welcome to Auburn” sign in front of City Hall, frustrations with getting Scott Lindgren’s Tile installed.
(December) Dec. 10 PARC-Auburn fundraiser at Crooked Lane Brewery had ECC presence with a gift basket of ECC logo items for the silent auction and attendance by several ECC members. ECC to be rpesent at the January 1 Resolution Run. Ongoing discussions about Ann Trason white bridge dedication, Robert Miller’s “Welcome to Auburn” sign in front of City Hall, frustrations with getting Scott Lindgren’s Tile installed.
(February) Shannon will assist Mike Holmes on economic impact of WSER & Tevis for his State CA Endurance Event Proclamation effort; Phil Sayre is talking to Pacific Masters Swim reps about Open Water Championship; ECC tent at FOURmidable events; Scott Lindgren Extreme Whitewater Kayaker suggested as a Commemorative Tile candidate.
(March) Discussions with Interim City Manager Bob Richardson about retail sale of AECW logo items; Shannon Weil and Phil Sayre working on Scott Lindgren submission to SHAAC; State Parks is cancelling events so no place for ECC tents. March ECC & all City Commitee meetings cancelled.
(April) Auburn City Committee meetings cancelled. ECC continues website updates on event cancellations, postponements, switch to virtual,work with Scott Lindgren tile. Open Water Swim Championship discussions are closed.
(May) Switch to Zoom meetings; worked on reduced budget/workplan; proceeded with plan to find a vendor for, desing and order bandanas for remaining 2019-2020 budget funds; endorsed Mike Holme’s submission to City Council of State Endurance Event Proclamation.
(June) Back to the drawing board for ECC bylaws update project following ECC City Council Rep’s suggestions. Submitted reduced budget-workplan for FY 2020-21.
(July) Plan to request a report from Auburn Bike Bark rep Diana Boyer at next meeting; work continues on Scott Lindgren Endurance Zon Commemoraive Tile; verbiage of the ECC’s “Resolution/bylaws continues. Endurance Zone Tiles are now posted on
(August) welcomed new City Manager John Donlevy to Auburn with a packet of AECW schwag; Diana Boyer of the recently opened Auburn Bike Park gave a presentation to the ECC to assist us with a donation choice; Gloria Talagishi has notified volunteers of event cancellations, thanking them for thei involvement and keeping them on her list. Alice Dowdin-Calvillo provided the ECC with a new format for agendas.
(September) Approved AECW logo usage and name in event title to Paulo Medina for his Virtual 100-mile, 50-mile events; ECC postponed Bike Park Donation until we learn more about needs and visibility; Phil Sayre presented documents concerning Mtn. Bike Squirrel Trail closure to City Manager and ASRA Superintendent; ECC Resolution 10-74 (Enabling Resolution) modifications accepted at Sept. 21 City Council Meeting; SHAAC Committee meeting scheduling difficulties are impeding Scott Lindgren Tile submission.
(October) City Manager is investigating sale of AECW logo items; Gloria Takagishi will send volunteers a bandana with a thank you note for their past and future ECC event involvement. ECC tent at ARD Halloween Festival (huge success); Virtual Tevis Ride a huge success, too.
(November) Assisted Paul Kessler with his observation that the City needs guidelines for event course marking within the City Limits. City Manager will deal with this; ECC is in the loop with the Western State Trail Museum which has been reinvigorated with a new Committee; ECCexpannded to include 1 or 2 new members.
(December) 2020-21 budget ($8500) approved by City Council for FY 2021-2022; quest for 2 new ECC members initiated and require a month for public notice; ECC task force set up to investigate feasibility of Tevis finish area for a pilot project water refueling station.
(February) ECC booth for 2 days at Formidable 50K and its other distance events; renovated website launched.
(March) Provided assistance to Mike Holmes for his State of California “Endurance Event Tevis/WSER of the State” proclamation effort with Shannon Weil and Lori Stewart volunteering information; attended the Sacramento Hall of Fame Banquet where Tevis/Western States/Ultra Running Visionary Shannon Weil was inducted and several Auburn area athletes received annual Achievement Awards.
(April) Successful commemorative tile celebration for Hal Hall and Tim Tweitmeyer hosted by ECC in Central Square on April 13; ECC Member Phil Sayre did an Endurance Capital presentation at Leadership Auburn; ECC booth at the American River 50-Mile Endurance Run.
(May) Ordered 1500 AECW logo reusable shopping totes, more cowbells, 2 table cloths, 3 easels, 50 AECW pennants; supplied give-aways to American River Classic goody bags; ECC Chair Robert Miller attended the Economic Development Committee’s Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon.
(June) Shannon Weil (ECC co-founder) is working with AECW Facebook page; Working on getting Public Works to clean up/get new WSER/Tevis map for Central Square; continued assistance given to Mike Holmes Tevis/WSER CA State Endurance Event Project; WSER Foreign Athletes/VIP Dinner – ECC provided 80+ ECC logo shopping totes with ECC collateral; settled on Work Plan and budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019; ECC tent for 2 days at WSER. ECC member Phil Sayre attended and volunteered at the Auburn River Festival and reported back to the ECC.
(July) Ordered more AECW stickers, coasters, hats, shirts, Tevis & WSER 14×8.5 “Wiest” Western States Trail maps, a “Spin the Wheel for giveaways, and chocolate chip cookies for ECC tent at Tevis Cup; Phil Sayre is “growing” an Open Water Swim group for Clark’s Hole and at Rattlenake Bar; ECC submitteed recommendation form for new ASRA General Plan.
(August) Outreach to Auburn Bike Park for aecw signage presence; meetings with City Manager about expanding aecw promotional items to other locations in CA or regionally near Auburn; Lorena Sims resurfaced to discuss possibility of a Championship Open Water Swim for 2020; Canyon Keepers partnering with ECC at Oct. 1 Ultra Running discussion.
(Sept.) ECC tent at Overlook Endurance Runs; meetings continue with City Manager Bob Richardson on wider distribution of aecw logo items – draft of ECC’s RFP submitted.
(October-December) Canyon Keepers Ultra Running presentation; ongoing Open Water Swim Championships discusions; AECW sigange approved for Bike Park but not able to install it yet; water bottles ordered with aecw 4-color log on green “Specialized” bottles; ECC tent at Rio del Lago 100 Miler Overlook Aid Station; agreed to have ECC tent at Resolution Run; agreed to have a social gathering in lieu of a meeting in December.
(February) attended the Sacramento Hall of Fame Banquet where local elite ultra runner Jim King was inducted and several Auburn area athletes received annual Achievement Awards
(March); interviewed new candidates for the open ECC member position and selected Phil Sayre who will represent mountain bikers and water sports; provided user group event data to PARC representative Gary Estes for a report he is sending to water agencies who have been asked by the Auburn Dam Council to form a coalition favoring Auburn Dam construction and later approved and supported his report to City Council; continued to follow and contribute suggestions to State Parks General Plan meetings (spring/summer/fall);
(April) ECC booth at the American River 50-Mile Endurance Run; continued to pursue the approval of Hal Hall and Tim Twietmeyer commemorative Central Square Endurance Zone tiles – they were approved at the June City Council meeting but not installed until November; designed, ordered and purchased two 3’x3′ vinyl banners with AECW logo to hang at events where we do not have a booth beginning with American River Classic Endurance Ride April 21.
(May) reordered AECW stickers and included ™ on them; initiated a plan to update the AECW website in order to make it more mobile friendly and have better social media features which in turn should increase traffic to the site for better AECW online visibility.
(June) ECC tent at Auburn Triathlon ; started work on online pre- and post- event report forms for Race Directors to complete to assist them with publicity; ECC members brought shirts, hats, stickers to and attended the WSER’s Internationals VIP dinner ; settled on Work Plan and budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019; ECC tent for 2 days at WSER; ECC member Phil Sayre attended and volunteered at the Auburn River Festival and reported back to the ECC and provided the first post-event report form to post; Auburn Bike Park letter to BLM expressing concern about delays was approved for sending by ECC and we received a reply in Sept.;
(July, August) ongoing website renovation work with web developer Stu Eastman of; possible ECC participation at the Overlook aid station for the Sept. L’Etape California cycling event continued; ECC tent at Tevis Cup; listened to information from Terryl Reed and provided input about the Auburn Endurance Capital Museum or it may be named the Western States Trail Museum (ongoing agenda item);
(Sept.) ECC tent at Overlook Endurance Runs and began providing course maps at the ECC tent to assist spectators in following the runners;
(Oct.) advised Mike Holmes on his plan to submit Tevis and WSER as California’s “State Endurance Events”.
(Nov.) ECC tent at Rio del Lago 100 Miler Overlook Aid Station; initiated work on a new supply of shirts, hats, shopping bags, and other giveaways; opened discussions on lack of local winter swimming venues. Phil Sayre to investigate pool access limited membership at Auburn Recreation Club.