Your “go-to” page for all the latest Auburn Endurance Capital news, information, stories, videos, and more!
Placer Arts “Art of Running” Submissions are no longer being accepted.
Check out the CBS Radio Interview all about the Endurance Capital: Sunday, Jan. 21 at 6:00 a.m. on FMs 105.1, 100.5, 96.1 and AM 1140!
One Day in Auburn – Note Date Correction to Jan. 13-14 at Placer HS Track; 24, 12, 6 Hour Timed Track Event
Auburn’s Resolution Run is coming right up (1 pm, Jan 1 at the Overlook)- the BEST way to start the New Year. Something is there for everyone!
Still time to enter the Nov. 19th MandaRUN: Auburn’s Premier Half Marathon/5K Road Races!
Rio del Lago 100-Miler results and slide show from the Endurance Capital Committee’s tent at the Overlook Aid Station
From 10:00am on November 4 to 3:30am on Nov. 5 2017, Endurance Capital Committee members and volunteers staffed their tent and provided crews and spectators with coffee and hot chocolate and other cool give aways. Congratulations Eric Spencer of Foresthill and Kelly...
Amgen’s 2018 Tour de California Stage Cities Announced
Join us at the Rio de Lago 100-Mile Endurance Run American River Overlook Aid Station, Nov. 4 & 5
The Endurance Capital Committee (ECC) will be helping out and providing some cool gveaways at the American River Overlook Aid Station. Come visit us there between 11:30 am on Nov. 4 and... gulp... 3 am on Nov. 5. Watch these amazing athletes on their journey and...
Auburn State Recreation Area General Plan Meeting on Dec. 7 at the Gold Country Fairgrounds, 5 to 8 pm
California State Parks and the Bureau of Reclamation have prepared several possible alternatives for the Auburn State Recreation Area General Plan/Resource Management Plan. You’re invited to a public open house to learn about the alternatives and provide your feedback...