Multi Sports
Triathlons, Duathlons, Ride ‘n Tie are just a few examples of Multi Sport events. These events combine several sports into one competition. See what’s the latest news from the Auburn area’s Multi Sport community.

Auburn Endurance Capital Challenge Important Updates!
Deadline to post your results is now October 31, 2020, plus 15-minutes for any endurance activity equals One Mile has been added!
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Auburn Endurance Capital “All Sports” Virtual 100-Miler!
Auburn’s Endurance Capital Committee has partnered with Single Track Running’s Auburn Endurance Capital 100! It is a virtual challenge event that allows participants to complete up to 100 miles September 8 to October 8 in any way they can, anywhere in the world!
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The ECC’s Tribute to Retired City Manager, Bob Richardson
Bob Richardson, Auburn’s City Manager and long-time supporter of the Endurance Capital theme and Committee, has officially retired, and the quest for a replacement is in the works. The City has enlisted Peckham & McKinney, a Careers in Government company to... Read more
Western States Trail Museum is a (Virtual) Reality
Visit (https://www.facebook.com/wstmuseum), like and bookmark this invaluable resource! The Western States Trail Museum is open to visitors 24/7! Thank you Terryl Reed and all the contributors who have made this a (virtual) reality! NEWS Running & Hiking... Read more