Endurance Capital of the World (Auburn, CA)


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Local runners competing in the TRT Endurance Runs (June 15/16) are listed alphabetically below. Track them live on Ultra Signup.

100-Miler Guys: Michael Cortez (Newcastle); David Hope (Foresthill); Michael Huss (Auburn); Paul Miller (Cool); Jason Pierson (Auburn); Eric Spencer (Foresthill)
100-Miler Gals: Mary Ann Flemmer (Meadow Vista); Tina Hyde, (Foresthill); Melissa Johnson (Auburn); Kimberly White (Auburn)

50-Miler Guys: Martin Sengo (Auburn); Chris Streeter (Auburn)
50-Miler Gals: Jennifer Blake (Auburn); Sherrie Gilliam (Meadow Vista); Sandra Ross (Cool)

55K Guys: James Barstad (Cool); Jim Hopkins (Auburn)
55K Gals: Susan Browning (Auburn); Rachel Grimm (Cool); Gina Lewis (Cool); Janet Pucci (Newcastle)

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