Endurance Capital of the World (Auburn, CA)


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The weather is warming up, so the open waters around Auburn call! There is a small group of swimmers that will meet up on Wednesday 5 June at Folsom Lake’s Rattlesnake Bar. The swim will be about a mile, and start close to the boat ramp (likely in the back parking lot associated with the Rattlesnake boat ramp) at 4:30 (or meet at Maidu Market at 4 to carpool to Rattlesnake Bar).

Please be aware of the safety precautions associated with open water swimming, as explained on this website’s webpage at  https://auburnendurancecapital.org/swimming-opportunities/ to prepare properly.  A few examples to follow that you can find there: Wear a swim cap visible to power boaters, a wetsuit may be needed, and we will swim close to the shore to stay out of main path of power boats.

We hope to have similar weekly swims at various locations near Auburn, depending on weather and water conditions. Check this website or the Endurance Capital’s Facebook page for future swims.

Questions? Contact the ECC’s Water Sports Representative, Phil Sayre.


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